Filed under: Cambio News

Amanda Bynes recently opened up to In Touch magazine, giving them exclusive access to her life for an upcoming feature story.
What came of that exclusive access, however, was something much different than Amanda had anticipated.
The cover headline on the mag reads "Amanda Bynes: Destroyed By Fame," and has a bullet note about how she invites strange guys into her "drug den" at 2 am.
Inside, there are photos of Amanda in said drug den, but she claims they were all Photoshopped and she's going to sue to prove her point.
"That's not my bed! Those aren't my toes! My toes are pedicured," she tweeted. "They morphed photos of my face onto someone's body to ruin my life! I have to make a big deal of this and sue because that's not me!"
The most interesting thing, however, is that Amanda doesn't seem as mad about the drug claims as she does about her appearance being altered.
"I care about my appearance so I have to defend myself," she continued. "I look like a different person now that I had surgery!"
Amanda even called out the "ugly faced" In Touch employee who she believes is responsible for purchasing the fake photos.
The In Touch employee seemed to think the whole thing was funny and wrote, "Thank you! I think I've officially arrived!" after she retweeted Amanda's post about her.
Do you think In Touch altered the photos or do you think Amanda is just trying to cover her tracks?