Filed under: Cambio News

A couple of weeks ago, rumors started swirling that Kanye loved Paris so much, he wanted to make it his permanent home, which makes perfect sense given Kanye's disdain for the paparazzi and the strict laws Paris has that inhibit them.
We weren't sure what that would mean for Kim, though, because the duo just bought a house together in LA and her entire family lives there.
Now, however, it seems that Kim is warming up to the idea....and they may have already begun laying down roots!
After Kim's most recent trip to Paris, which she chose as her last vacation before baby Kimye is born, she posted a message on her Celebuzz page saying, "My mom and I flew to Paris to soak in the amazingness Paris has to offer before I can't travel anymore! We were doing some baby shopping and checking on our place here before heading to LA for awhile. Xo."
So...they already have a "place" there?!
Obviously, that could mean a lot of things: It could be a second home, a vacation rental or any number of non-permanent options, but you don't get "a place" somewhere unless you plan on spending a decent amount of time there.
Do you think Kim and Kanye are moving to Paris?