Filed under: Cambio News, Videos, Music

Cambio caught up with the actor and rapper at the After Earth junket to find out about his new music and who's he's planning to work with.
"I'm working on Cool Tape Volume 2 right I'm really just trying to make sure that it's perfect," Jaden explained. "My first batch of music was pretty solid so I want to make sure that I keep raising the bar of my skill level."
And as for who he'll collaborate with this time, he's keeping it in the family and teaming up with his sister Willow.
"For sure, my sister," he shared. "She's amazing!"
And what about working with his dad, Will, who's already had quite the successful music career himself? It's a possibility, according to Jaden.
"Maybe. That's up to him," he says.
After Earth hits theaters on May 31.
Want more Jaden? Check out our exclusive Couch Sesh with him here!