Filed under: Cambio News, Videos, Television

Ke$ha stopped by to chat with us and on the blue carpet at the Billboard Music Awards and talked about her fashion over the years and her new reality show on MTV.
"I get wild!" Ke$ha said about her style. "When I started out, I was wearing old vintage t-shirts [on red carpets] because I didn't know any better," the nearly naked singer said. "Now I like to keep people guessing."
Continuing to keep people on their toes, Ke$ha now has her own reality show," My Crazy Beautiful Life." But she never planned for it.
"I kind of just made it," she said. "Me and my brother went on tour and he filmed everything I did. The good, the bad and the ugly." Not knowing what to do with thousands of hours of footage, "We shopped it around. We didn't know if it should be a movie, show, or nothing."
We think it's awesome that it ended up being a show and since Ke$ha will be hitting the road with Pitbull on tour soon, our fingers are crossed for a "My Crazy Beautiful Life" part two!