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At least for Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham's sex tape partner James Deen, he holds himself to a very high standard.
While Farrah claimed that she had no knowledge of any sex tape, James revealed to TMZ that the whole thing was commissioned...they got tested together on Friday and filmed their scenes on Sunday.
Farrah was caught on camera (this time was really by accident) in front of the Vivid Entertainment building with a cotton ball taped over the vein on her arm, which definitely seems to corroborate James' story.
James revealed that he thinks the original plan was for the whole thing to be passed off as a leaked sex tape, but since he "can't tell a lie," he admitted that they were making a porno when someone asked him.
As for why Farrah was chosen as his co-star, James says she apparently just "wanted to make a sex tape...or something.:
Looks like Farrah got what she wanted...that is, except for the whole fooling everyone into thinking it was a leak thing.
For his part, James says that Farrah was great and that he would definitely do another scene with her if she wanted to.
It doesn't look like that will be happening anytime soon, though.
After hearing that James blew the lid off of the whole thing, she shared her thoughts on her Twitter page (in now-deleted Tweets), saying, "James Dean is a disrespectful women hater, hopefully he gets more famous like he wanted, #Pathetic #Lier."
Do you think James Deen is a "lier" or do you think Farrah planned the whole thing?
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