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Happy birthday to Joe Jonas, who is celebrating his 23rd birthday today!
Joe has been busy working on his show The Next, premiering tomorrow night (great birthday present!), but what else will he do to celebrate the big day?
He recently told JustJaredJr.: "Maybe [I'll] just have dinner with some friends, honestly. Every birthday I have I'm normally on tour. It's always a cool way to celebrate. We have a bunch of people together and we all hang out and have a big celebration. I think it'll be nice to just do something a little bit chill this time."
So, it sounds like Joe is having a laid back birthday this year.
We saw some Jonas Brothers love for Joe's big day though, with Kevin tweeting this morning, "Happy birthday @joejonas love you brother!
Nick tweeted: "Happy birthday to my best friend and brother @joejonas"
It's the bomb: Check out some hilarious photobombs and vote for your faves right here!
We leave you with some excellent Joe Jonas photos and a recent interview, where he talks about his birthday plans (he'll be working, but he had a party the other day)... and being single. Sigh!
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