Filed under: Cambio News

Miranda Cosgrove is officially college-bound. The 18-year-old has decided she'll go to USC! [HuffPostHigh]
Miley Cyrus is making news today because while she was vacationing in Costa Rica with Liam Hemsworth... she was on her way to her plane when she stopped to take photos with some fans and sign autographs. In a grainy YouTube video, it shows the singer having to cut her time with the fans short to board the plane, and when she does, one of the fans calls her a not so nice name. Miley fires back with more choice words. We feel for her, she was on vacation, not at a press event. [AOL Music]
Read a teen review of the book War Horse [Teen Ink]
The star of War Horse gives an interview about the set: "Weirdly, there were more horse makeup artists than there were people makeup artists. These horses had a huge makeup process with the little white spot, so, by the end, they did look exactly the same." [Moviefone]
Daniel Radcliffe on haters: "I'm very motivated by the doubt of others. Whenever I hear people talk about the Potter kids as if we're not going to be able to make it out of the series...That really lights a fire under me." [JJJ]
Rooney Mara is making headlines in her new movie role, but what else has she been in? Find out here along with other fun facts like her real name is Patricia (Rooney is her mother's maiden name) and she started her own charity. []