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Procter & Gamble
But don't worry -- Taylor's not in trouble. According to ABC, the print advertisements featuring the 22-year-old country star have been digitally altered, as noted by lines like "lashes enhanced in post production" or "lashes enhanced in post."
"You can't use a photograph to demonstrate how a cosmetic will look after it is applied to a woman's face and then -- in the mice type -- have a disclosure that says 'okay, not really,'" Andrea Levine, director of the National Advertising Division, told Business Insider.
NAD pressed Covergirl's parent company further, by asking for proof of the claims that its mascara creates "two times more volume" and is "20 percent lighter" than the most expensive mascara.
However, after Procter & Gamble removed the print ads, the regulatory organization has "permanently discontinued all of the challenged claims and the photograph in its advertisement."