Filed under: Cambio News

At, Beliebers can watch the 17-year-old in an awkward and vague video that shows JB talking about a girl he met and can't get out of his head. "Just wanted to shout out to this girl I saw at Starbucks the other day," he says. "She's like a vision in my mind."
Justin continues to talk about the girl's "blue-brown-hazely eyes," while offering not-so-accurate clothing and height description. But one thing he does remember is her scent.
To take part in the cute promo, fans can upload their photos to show up on the Canadian star's phone in the clip. From there, you can share the video on Facebook, Twitter and via email.
Trust us, there's no limit to the fun you can have with this. Share the screen with Justin in your own Someday promo video here.