Filed under: Videos, Cambio Style
While it is a little early, we cannot WAIT for spring to come. So in this episode of Fashion DIY we will be showing you fashionistas how to create a new twist on an old hat.What you will need: a straw, felt, or stitched hat, scissors, sewing needles, and colored thread. Take and old straw hat or fedora and give it a unique new look by following these steps:
- If there is already a ribbon or anything tied around the hat, you have the option of removing that and starting fresh. If you want, you can incorporate it into your design, but we like a fresh start.
- Take your thread and scissors and cut a significant amount of string. When satisfied, thread the string through your needle and tie it off at the ends.
- Think about how you want to design your hat. We kept it simple with a chevron inspired pattern. But you can create shapes, stripes, sew horizontally, sew vertically; we encourage you to be creative!
- Begin sewing at the back of the hat. Start inside and pull the needle through to the outside, then thread it back inside about a half an inch from the first spot. Continue this around the hat.
- Once you are satisfied with your design, tie off the string at the back and cut off the excess string.
You are now ready to rock your completely original design. The best part of this creation is that you won't ever have the embarrassment of wearing the same hat as someone else! Enjoy and get ready for more spring-inspired Fashion DIY's to come.
by Paige Mueller
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