Filed under: Cambio News
If you're wondering how silly ol' me, got a second row seat to this awe-inspiring event, it's because Lady Gaga was my celebrity surprise on the 2011 TeenNick HALO Awards. During the filming for HALO, I had the opportunity to ride in the car with Lady Gaga and we chatted face-to-face for about thirty minutes as we drove across New York City.
As I was sitting at the Born This Way Foundation Launch Event, I kept thinking about the conversation Lady Gaga and I had about her dream to create a foundation like this. We spent the day together last August, and half a year later, Lady Gaga is making her dream come true!
One thing I loved about the event - and there were many! - was the fact that all little monsters around the world could watch the event online live as it was unfolding! And even if you didn't get a chance to watch the event on February 29th, it's online here.
During the event, Lady Gaga brought up something that I think is worth sharing with you all. She explained how the three pillars of the Born This Way Foundation are the following: "The three pillars of the Born this Way Foundation are SSO. The first "s" is safety. The second "s" is skills. We want kids to feel safe in their schools or safe in their home environments, so that they can acquire the skills to be a tolerant accepting and loving person," she said. "And then we believe that this will lead them towards the "o" which is opportunity."
She also said that BTWF is not an anti-bullying program, but a youth empowerment program.
Finally, I loved the call-to-action that Lady Gaga left the audience. She said that the best thing we could do was tell one person about what we learned from the event. So to carry that message forward, that will be my call-to-action to you! Share the news about Lady Gaga's Born This Way Foundation to one person. Just one person - and it doesn't matter who it is. You never know the difference you might make.
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