Filed under: Cambio News

From little girls singing Nicki Minaj te saw a lot of crazy hijinks this year on video. Some of them made us laugh, some made us cringe. For better or worse, here are our favorite viral vids of 2011, including some of our very own:
1. Rebecca Black changes Friday forever
It seems like it's been over a year since we were graced with the presence of Rebecca Black's Friday video, but it only came out this past March. The video went viral within a week and went on to reach full on pandemic status. Her song was sung on Glee and she appeared in Katy Perry's music video for Last Friday Night.
We also got to go behind the scenes of Rebecca's video for her follow-up pop song, Person of Interest.
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2. Sophia Grace covers Nicki Minaj's 'Super Bass'
We can't get enough of Sophia Grace Brownlee and her hype girl Rosie. Neither could Ellen Degeneres and about 90% of America this year. Sophia's cover of Super Bass by Nicki Minaj was so amazing, she got to meet her idol and sing with her and she met Katy Perry, Rihanna and more. We're equally obsessed with the new Sophia Grace and Rosie Show.
3. Girl falls in fountain while texting
We are super against texting while driving, but we're all for texting while walking if it gets us hilarious YouTube videos like this one of a woman actually toppling into a mall fountain because she wasn't watching where she was going.
4. The News According to Snooki
We had no idea when we had Snooki come into our studios to film a news report that it would end up making actual news. The clip garnered massive buzz and appeared on Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN and The Today Show and local news reports too. Oops. Viva la Snooki!
5. Darren Criss performs in Santa Monica
When we had Darren Criss play an impromptu concert in Santa Monica for On The Spot, we were hoping for some fans to gather and listen, but we didn't plan on it showing up on YouTube and causing a stir on social media, but that's exactly what happened.
6. Demi Lovato takes over Twitter and it's captured on video
Using her HTC Status, we had Demi Lovato take over our social media accounts when she did a signing event at an AT&T store and the results were insane. Thousands of Demi's fans got involved including flocking to the store to meet her and participating online by asking her questions. We captured it all on a video that had fans asking for more.
7. CliffsNotes does Shakespeare... did Romeo just say 'jeggings?'
Our super short versions of some of Shakespeare's classics to the Internets by storm this October. Over a million people tuned in to watch irreverent versions of Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Julius Caesar and more. Our favorite was Hamlet.
8. Nick Green (Jackson Rathbone) kills a lot of peope Aim High
Who knew Jackson Rathbone was so talented? The Twilight star gets down and dirty as a trained government assassin in the digital series that launched on Facebook and Cambio in 2011. The social component to the series (you can watch while logged into Facebook to see personalized messages in the video) helped the episodes go viral.
We know there were more than eight so what was your favorite viral video of the year? Tell us in the comments below.