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Does One Direction plan to snag Justin Bieber's fans? According to a new report, 1D is looking to steal Bieber's fans since his good boy reputation has been on the downslide. Do you think it's true?

In light of some of Biebs' bad boy behaviors, the buzz is building that One Direction is looking to bring some of Biebs' fans over to their side.
One Direction reportedly wants to steal Justin's fans, with an insider telling RadarOnline that 1D's people are "putting a plan in place" to snag Beliebers.
A source tells the site: "One Direction is benefiting greatly from Justin's a**hole behavior," adding, "A lot of the girls that loved Bieber are now crushing on Harry Styles."
The insider added, "And it's not lost on the boys of One Direction. Both them and their team is fully aware that they are gaining fans who used to love Bieber, and they know it's the perfect time to capitalize on it and swoop in to replace him."
The source squealed, "All of the little girls that loved Bieber don't love him anymore because 'he's bad' and they are moving on to One Direction."
Additionally, "The parents of these young fans are resentful of Justin's behavior and don't think he's a wholesome influence on their children anymore. So they're pushing for their kids to like One Direction instead," according to the source.
We're pretty sure that 1D isn't making a plan to nab Justin's fans--it's not like they need to beef up their fandom any.