Filed under: Cambio News, Music

After reports that the Biebs and Selena Gomez have finally gone their seperate ways for good, there's talk now that he thinks his music is way better than hers! Ouch!
According to, Justin has reportedly made it quite clear to those close to him what he thinks of his ex's new music.
"He likes it; he thinks it's OK," a source close to Bieber told the site when asked what Justin thinks of Sel's new stuff.
Does that mean he's worried it's better than his own music?
"No, definitely not," the insider said. recently shot down's story though saying there's no way Justin would ever hate on Selena's music. Read about that here.
We can kind of see where relationship breakup immaturity would make you want to diss your ex's work but we don't see how JB could say her music isn't as good as his, we SO think it is! How about you?
Do you think Justin thinks his music is better than hers?