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In fact, her behavior has become so erratic, it's hauntingly similar to Britney Spears' 2007 breakdown-complete with head-shaving and some serious drug allegations.
Fortunately for Britney, her father was able to get a conservatorship over her, which helped the pop star completely turn her life around.
Obviously, the question on everyone's minds now is: Why don't Amanda's parents do what Britney's did?
According to TMZ, they want to, but her behavior is not so out of control (yet) that a judge would agree to an involuntary conservatorship.
The same goes for the 72-hour psychiatric hold (aka 5150) that Britney was subjected to, where the patient's mental health can be carefully observed and evaluated for a three-day period.
At this point, the only thing they can hope for is that Amanda is deemed unable to understand the nature of her criminal cases, which would allow the judge to order a proper psychiatric evaluation.
Until then, it seems the only hope for saving Amanda is Amanda wanting to save herself.
Since her arrest, the only changes Amanda has expressed an interest in making are strictly aesthetic.