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Kourtney, Khloé and Kim Kardashian stopped by Chelsea Lately with their mom Kris Jenner last night and Kris grilled her girls about some of the hottest topics in entertainment right now.
One of those topics just so happened to be Amanda Bynes, whose bizarre behavior has been making headlines almost every day.
Kim was the first to jump to Amanda's defense, saying, "Am I the only one who is obsessed with her new makeover? I think she looks amazing..."
Khloe chimed in next regarding Amanda allegedly getting the boot from a gym because of what she was wearing, "I love to wear fishnets to the gym...I don't think that's abnormal...I love it!"
Kourtney also said that she likes Amanda's new look.
Amanda was so thrilled to hear the Kardashian's compliments that she took to her Twitter to express her gratitude.
"I love the beautiful Kardashian sisters," she wrote.
But Amanda, who has asked all media outlets to only publish her twitpics, was still upset about the photos that were used during the segment.
"I wish E picked better photographs of me," she tweeted after the show. "I feel pregnant when I'm fat! I'm working out constantly!"
Amanda recently admitted to suffering from an eating disorder, which she says makes it hard for her to lose weight.
Are you surprised that the Kardashians are sticking up for Amanda?
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