Filed under: Cambio News

First, came her March 19 DUI arrest, then the scantily-clad party pics, and now she is allegedly featured in an hour long sex tape that is being shopped to various outlets.
Steve Hirsch, president of Vivid Entertainment saw the scandalous footage and confirmed to TMZ that the woman in the video is Farrah.
In an ironic twist, TMZ caught up with Farrah while she was shopping for lingerie yesterday and she attempted to clear up the confusion.
When asked about the video, Farrah explained "I don't exist anything about that."
Yep, you read that right. She doesn't exist anything about it, so there!
She also adamantly denied the existence of the tape before changing her mind and saying that if there IS a tape, her lawyer will take care of it.
Farrah went on to explain that she doesn't need a sex tape to boost her career (sorry, Kim Kardashian), claiming, "I'm not even worried about that...I work hard on my own professionally and I don't need sex tapes or any of that bullsh*t."
If you'd like to ask Farrah about the situation yourself, she's still taking calls on Dial a Star for $5 a minute!
The phone lines are open, folks!
And, if you'd like to support Farrah's other professional endeavors, check out her debut single below.
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