Filed under: Cambio News

But on the day that we sat down with the 1D guys, Zayn Malik wasn't available, so we were left wondering what he likes to sing while he's getting sudsy....or if he even sings in the shower at all!
Now, we finally have our answer!
Zayn dished on his shower routine (keep it clean, guys!) in a recent interview with The Daily Mirror, saying, "I love singing in the shower. You always think you are better than you actually are because of the echo, so that is the only place to try and sing a Beyoncé song."
Aww...we bet Zayn is just as good as he thinks he is, if not better!
But, if he needs someone to take a listen and give an objective opinion, we will gladly volunteer our services!
Which Beyoncé song would you love to hear Zayn belting out?
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