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Emily is concerned that her friend is spiraling and tries to find out what really happened between her and Toby, but Spencer refuses to spill. Wren returns and comes over to check on Spencer at Mona's urging, and it seems Troian Bellasario approves of this possible rebound romance for her character. She Tweeted, "Looks like Wrencer is havin a good time. Thanks for coming back @Ju1ianMorris you know how to make a girl smile."
Naturally, Spencer seizes this opportunity to make a break for the debate in Lewisberg with Wren. But once she arrives, things get ugly fast when she runs into Mona the night before the debate. The girls get into it over Toby and after Mona says "Do you even have any friends anymore?", Spencer screams "Die!" and lunges at her. Catfight! Troian Tweets, "How long have I been waiting to shout 'die' and tackle @JMeilanixo #spencersnapped YEAH!!!!".
In other news, Hanna is hoping to bring Caleb back together with his father, and finally organizes a reunion over tea, which goes better than expected. Emily is trying to figure out who the mystery guy is who got Ali pregnant with her brother Jason, and it seems Cece may be covering for him. Aria invites Wes to stay at her place after realizing he's planning to sleep in his car, and they end up kissing! Like we said last week, she's totally rebounding with Ezra's bro.
Emily and Jason get stuck in an elevator and while Em manages to escape, Jason isn't so lucky when the elevator freefalls. He ends up injured in the hospital but suddenly disappears. Is he about to meet the same fate as his sister?!
Tune in next week to find out!
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