Filed under: Cambio News

"Lea Michele has been actively campaigning for NY-CLASS (New Yorkers for Clean, Livable, and Safe Streets) against our horses, and what she's been led to believe about them -- and us -- simply isn't true," HCANYC Vice President Eva Hughes said in a press release. "Our horses lead exceedingly reasonable, regulated lives that bear no resemblance to the way they have been portrayed by NY-CLASS and PETA."
The association is welcoming Lea and a horse expert of her choice to come and see the conditions the horses live in. "If, after touring our stables and meeting our horses and their drivers, Lea Michele still wants to act as an anti-carriage-horse spokesperson for NY-CLASS, that's her right," Hughes added. "But we just want her to see for herself that our horses live in clean, comfortable stalls with ample bedding, constant access to water, and high-quality hay, in stables with state of the art cooling, ventilation and fire-protection systems. She's been terribly misled by NY-CLASS, and is unknowingly repeating their politically-motivated misinformation."
The press release also noted an interesting fact: Lea's latest film, 'New Year's Eve,' celebrates New York City, and features carriage horses at both the beginning and end of the movie. So far, Lea has yet to respond to HCANYC's invitation.