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The movie, due in theaters on February 3, is based on a true story about a group of people who come together to save a family of grey whales. Teen Impact wants to put the spotlight on innovative, influential young people (ages 14 - 18) and the causes that mean so much to them.
All you have to do is submit a blog post (max 800 words), explaining "why you should be chosen as the best representative of your generation's unique power to do good." You'll have the option to post a YouTube video link, photo or video, too.
Fourteen finalists will have their blog post posted on Huff Post High School or Huff Post Impact, and $500 will be donated to the favorite charity of two runners-up. The grand prize winner will have $1,000 donated to the charity of their choice, plus a trip to New York for a special screening of 'Big Miracle' with special host Arianna Huffington.
So, if you're making a difference, share your story here. Best of luck!