I dyed my hair violet :D I'm not sure if I like it , and this is a blurry pic but here it is ! pic.twitter.com/jFJSH2vfSf
- amanda bynes (@amandabynes) November 8, 2014
Amanda Bynes is rocking a bold new look after getting released from her involuntary stay in a psychiatric facility."I dyed my hair violet :D I'm not sure if I like it, and this is a blurry pic but here it is!" she captioned the Twitpic Friday night, which showed her taking a selfie in a hair salon. In it, she appears to pout her lips as she flaunts her long purple 'do.
Amanda's new hairstyle comes just a day after she went on a Twitter rant about her parents' conservatorship and why she was caught sleeping in a mall.
After stories popped up about her sleeping on couches at the Beverly Center in Los Angeles, she tweeted:
I was not given money for a hotel so i have been staying with friends and i didn't get enough sleep last night so I fell asleep on a couch
- amanda bynes (@amandabynes) November 6, 2014
@ the beverly center and a paparazzi snuck in and took pictures of me FYI ! I hate my parents for still not giving me money for a hotel
- amanda bynes (@amandabynes) November 6, 2014
What is wrong with them? My lawyer is working to have them fully removed from being my conservator, because they don't deserve control over
- amanda bynes (@amandabynes) November 6, 2014
my money - They are miserable in their life and I will fight to get control of my finances taken away from them !
- amanda bynes (@amandabynes) November 6, 2014
According to TMZ, Amanda's parents are trying to hand over their conservatorship of their daughter to someone else in an effort to mend their relationship with her...eventually. Meanwhile, the Easy A actress has finally admitted she's been dealing with some issues.
I was diagnosed bi - polar and manic depressive so I'm on medication and I'm seeing my psychologist and pyshchiatrist weekly so I'm fine :D
- amanda bynes (@amandabynes) November 4, 2014
My lawyer said if I comply with the courts and take my meds and see my psychologist and pyshchiatrist weekly then I will get unconserved
- amanda bynes (@amandabynes) November 4, 2014
The 28-year-old actress was released from a psychiatric facility eight days ago, after a judge ruled that she needed to spend at least another month in the facility, according to People. Amanda thought otherwise, asked to be released and was set free.